Home Air Purification Systems

Fresh-Aire’s Purity offers the ultimate enhancement to indoor air quality. The system includes a MERV 11 filter, germicidal UV-C light, and photocatalytic media. These three proven technologies actively reduce all types of airborne contaminants. Purity is attached to your central air system (furnace or air handler) and purifies the air throughout the home. It also comes with a lifetime warranty (excluding lamps)!
The award-winning APCO system (Advanced Photocatalytic Oxidation) represents an entirely new type of air purifier. APCO is installed in the ductwork of the central air system where it scrubs the air as is passes by. APCO’s unique combination of UV-C light and activated carbon achieves unmatched germ and odor reduction without producing any harmful ozone. APCO is particularly effective at reducing odor-causing volatile organic compounds (VOCs) which include toxic chemical vapors like formaldehyde and toluene. It also comes with a lifetime warranty (excluding lamps)!
Blue-Tube UV is the single most popular germicidal UV light product for HVAC systems in the world. Home owners breathe easy knowing that the air their family breathes is protected by this proven technology. Blue-Tube UV is the simple, safe, and effective way to keep your air system clean and improve indoor air quality.
The Bi-Polar® 2400 model uses cold plasma technology that splits water vapor into positive and negative ions that are discharged into the air. These ions attach themselves to allergens such as smoke, dust, pollen, dander, and much more. The particles continue to bond to each other until they are heavy enough to drop out of the air and collect in filters. The positive and negative ions attack odors and other contaminants and convert them into oxygen, water vapor, and carbon dioxide, neutralizing odors and greatly improving your Indoor Air Quality (IAQ). The Bi-Polar® 2400 ionizer air purifier prevents allergens from reproducing by removing hydrogen and disrupting the DNA of the pathogen. As an added benefit, static electricity is quickly reduced!
The air bear supreme filter mounts directly to the heating and air system and is suitable for all types of forced-air hvac configurations. It works as a normal filter, but has a higher merv rating and allows for more pollutants to be trapped.
West Columbia 100 Carolina St West Columbia, SC 29170
Columbia 530 South Saluda Avenue Columbia, SC 29205